Tag: Right Of Association

The Strawman and Living Man Myth

No matter the extent of your efforts or the eloquence of your arguments, it is crucial to note that a significant amount of information within the patriot and tax protest communities is either false, baseless, or even worse. Simply put, do not blindly accept information just because it is presented

Ten Dynamic Steps to Build Your Unincorporated Association

Building an unincorporated association can be an exhilarating journey, filled with opportunities to bring people together and make a significant impact. Here are ten confident steps to guide you in establishing your unincorporated association.   **Identify Your Purpose**: The first step is to clearly identify the purpose of your association.

Master the Art of Personal Freedom: Unleash Your Potential with Private Membership Associations!

  In today’s fast-paced world, personal freedom is often compromised, leaving individuals feeling trapped in their circumstances. However, a new trend is emerging that promises to revolutionize the way we perceive and achieve personal freedom. This trend is the growing popularity of Private Membership Associations (PMAs), which are being hailed

Standing up for our freedoms

In the contemporary world, the importance of standing up for our freedoms, particularly those protected by the First Amendment, cannot be overstated. The First Amendment, a cornerstone of the United States Constitution, safeguards the rights to freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. These rights are not just legal

The Constitution protects two distinct types of association

The Constitution protects two distinct types of association: (1) freedom of expressive association, protected by the First Amendment, and (2) freedom of intimate association, a privacy interest derived from the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment but also related to the First Amendment. See Roberts v. United States Jaycees,

Response to Cease and Desist Order for Operation of Private Membership Association

  [Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date] [Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position] [Recipient’s Address] [City, State, Zip]   Subject: Response to Cease and Desist Order for Operation of Private Membership Association   Dear [Recipient’s Name],   I am writing in response to the cease-and-desist order

A Comprehensive Guide to Setting Up and Running an Unincorporated Association

Unincorporated associations are a popular choice for individuals and groups looking to come together for a common purpose without the formalities and legal obligations of a registered corporation. Whether you’re organizing a social club, a sports team, or a community group, setting up and running an unincorporated association can provide

What are PMAs Bylaws?

Private Membership Associations (PMAs) are becoming increasingly popular as a way for individuals to protect their privacy and rights. In particular, PMAs often rely on bylaws to govern their operations and structure their membership. This article will explain why Private Membership Association Bylaws are important and how they can help


Attention everyone, we are excited to announce that a new course on associations is now available! This course has been put together based on numerous requests and is designed to cover everything from definitions to managing a PMA and even legal topics. There are 23+ videos in the course, and

Safeguards for Unincorporated Private Membership Associations in the US Constitution

Unincorporated private membership associations are groups of individuals who come together for a common purpose, such as social or religious gatherings, without registering as a legal entity. The US Constitution provides essential safeguards for these organizations, which are often critical to their existence and success. History of Case Law Supporting