Unincorporated Business Trust


This business-form package contains everything you need to create your own Unincorporated Business Organization. Operate this trust as you would any other business organization. We supply all forms – just fill in the blanks. This Business Trust has successfully weathered two out of two IRS audits!!! Protect your assets from moochers and looters.



Who Would Benefit From an Unincorporated Business Trust?
1- Small businesses and their owners.
2- Individuals with additional income sources.
3- People soon to pass along an inheritance.
4- People wishing to convey property without going through the usual sale, conveyance, and recording processes.
5- People wishing to hold/control property or income in other than their name or business name.
6- Those wishing to have more privacy of ownership.
7- Those desiring to preserve and convey their legacy (property, income, rights, etc.) to the next generation.
For more information on Unincorporated Business Trust see the blog post. 


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